What are Ruby Terp Pearls?

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Ruby terp pearls are small, spherical pieces made from synthetic ruby (a type of corundum) used in dabbing setups to enhance the consumption of cannabis concentrates. These pearls are placed inside a chamber or banger (a type of dab nail) and heated along with the concentrate. As the concentrate is vaporized, the pearls spin around, promoting even distribution of heat and maximizing the vaporization process. This results in a more efficient use of the concentrate and a richer flavor profile.

Key Features of Ruby Terp Pearls:

  1. High Heat Resistance: Ruby is a very durable material that can withstand high temperatures without breaking or degrading.
  2. Even Heating: The pearls help to evenly distribute heat within the banger, ensuring all parts of the concentrate are vaporized.
  3. Flavor Enhancement: By promoting even heating, ruby terp pearls help to preserve and release the full spectrum of terpenes, enhancing the flavor of the concentrate.
  4. Durable: Ruby is a hard material that resists wear and tear, making these pearls long-lasting.
  5. Visually Appealing: Ruby’s bright red color adds an attractive element to the dabbing setup.

Ruby terp pearls are favored for their efficiency, durability, and the enhanced dabbing experience they provide.

What is the difference between the Ruby and SiC terp pearls?

Ruby terp pearls are made from synthetic ruby, providing excellent thermal properties and resistance to thermal shock. While SiC pearls are made from silicon carbide, offering high thermal conductivity and durability, SiC pearls have superior thermal conductivity and durability, making them ideal for long-term use, while ruby pearls, although also durable, may be more susceptible to damage if mishandled. Both types are resistant to thermal shock, ensuring they can withstand rapid temperature changes without cracking or shattering. Ruby’s beautiful appearance combined with its high cost-effectiveness makes it a popular choice among the public.

ruby vs sic terp pearl

How to clean terp pearls?

To keep your terp pearls clean, swab them and the banger with a q-tip after each use. For a deeper clean, pop the completely-cooled pearls in an iso soak for about a half-hour.


Where can I find the highest quality Ruby Terp Pearls?

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