How to Smoke Wax Without a Rig

Smoking wax is a lot of fun. Seriously, a ton of fun. It gets you high, sure, but it also gets you high as fuck. And for many people, that high lasts a long time. It’s probably a bad idea if you have to fly a jet or perform open heart surgery later in the day, but otherwise, why not?
What if you’re new to dabs and haven’t yet invested in a rig; or worse, your favorite glass piece takes an unfortunate tumble. In these cases, you’ll need to know how to dab without a rig.
Read on to learn everything you need to know about how to smoke dabs without a rig.

1. Drop it in a bowl

To smoke wax using a bowl – whether a bong, a bubbler, or a spoon – you first want to pack the bowl half-full with flower. Collect a dab of wax with a metal dabber, and drop the dab onto the weed. Then, pack the rest of the bowl.

Why drop the dab halfway in? Because touching the wax with an open flame can degrade its quality and incinerate some of the THC you would otherwise inhale. By half-packing, dabbing, and then packing the rest of the bowl, you can light a cherry that burns the wax without igniting it completely.

The great thing about this method is that it’s incredibly simple. As long as you have access to good wax, good weed, and a half-decent bowl, you’re good to go. And even if your weed isn’t all that great, well, at least you’ve got the wax to smoke.

2. Roll it in a joint

All you need is the wax, some weed, rolling papers, and a crutch.

First, lay out your rolling paper and crutch. Next, spread some flower on the paper, as you would with any regular J. Then dab some wax onto the weed. This step will vary based on the type of concentrate you’re working with. If you’ve got crumble or shatter you can break it into pieces and sprinkle it down the inside of the joint. Or, roll the extract into a thin snake-like piece and place it in the middle of your joint. Be sure to wash your hands after handling the concentrate and before rolling the joint!

Finally, roll your joint. This can be a bit difficult, as wax is extremely sticky, but if you use caution and care, you should be able to get the job done. Now get a good cherry going and you’ll be set.

Hato H2 Wax Vaporizer
How to Smoke Wax Without a Rig 2

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